bits of pieces of my story and bits and pieces of yours.

Photographs that help you remember what it felt like

It’s been one year | Chicago Lifestyle Family Photographer

family photo playing in bed with one toddler in the air

What’s on my mind lately is that it’s been one year. How do we even begin to measure this amount of time and all the paradoxes it held? How is it possible that we could have missed out on so much in this last year, but also lived so much life at the same time?

Having had a baby myself in the middle of all that was 2020, I feel these photos so much. Because the truth is, life didn’t stop for us in the pandemic. Sure, it shifted, in cataclysmic ways even, but we found new ways of being. Babies continued to be born. Home took on new meaning. We tried our best to have hope, and find our own rays of sunshine, and often, that was by seeking joy in the mundane every day.

mom holding baby upright with daughter hugging from behind family smiling gathered around dad playing piano


Hey, if you want photos of you and your family that capture you all in a way that doesn’t just remind you what you look like, but what your family feels like, send me an email. I’d love to chat with you! In the mean time, if you want to see some more lovely family sessions, you might enjoy this post or this one.

One more thing, if just the thought of prepping your whole family for a photo session stresses you out, download my free guide to getting the whole family photo ready!

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Film diaries | Jan – Feb 2021

The nature of film developing means that by the time I will share these photos, the moment will have already been long past. As I write this, I am sitting in my kitchen on a 60 degree and overwhelmingly sunny day in March, that tells me, spring is in fact, arriving after this long winter. And being the Chicagoan that I am, I know we will be due a few more frigid days, maybe even another snow here in April, but for the most part, I see these photos as the remainder of the final weeks of winter that we tried our very best to survive with positive attitudes in continued quarantine.

There were many days inside, passing time with stories, snacks, and games as well as ventures outside in the snow or forest preserves. Though we still did not spend as much time outside as I would hope in my idealist mind, I am proud of myself, and these kids for suiting up and getting out into the cold to breathe fresh air and move those muscles whenever we did. These photos are memories of the passing time. Somehow, film will always feel more nostalgic to me. How did they grow this fast? Where did the time go? I swear I just had Finn…

Looking at these images from a couple of months ago and then staring into the faces of those same children in front of me, I can already see the changes in their faces and its bittersweet, but I’m so grateful for the memories.


Hey. These days are going by so quickly, aren’t they? Want to capture your family the way they are in the here and now? With photos that remind you how it really felt and not just how it looked?  I’d love to chat with you! Send me a message here and we can start the conversation!

If you liked this post, you may enjoy some of the other posts in my film diaries series like this one or this one.


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    How have I never noticed this before?

    nature image of plants in snow and grass

    As couple of years ago, a friend introduced me to 19th century British educator, Charlotte Mason. I was immediately intrigued by much of her philosophy which placed heavy emphasis on good literature and plenty of time outdoors for children.

    This past year, as my interest continued to grow, I decided to dive into her original writings. Between all of our time spent outside, and reading through her works, I honestly felt changed. I know…it sounds really dramatic. But hear me out.

    nature image dried plant in the fall chicago nature preserve

    One of my many favorite quotes of Mason’s regarding time spent outside says

    “An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing”

    What happened though, with all of our newfound time spent outside in what sometimes felt like the most mundane places, was that it wasn’t just my kids who began to observe more.

    I noticed for the first time last summer that of all the trees planted on our block, no two were alike. It occurred to me that, somebody planted these. They thought about what trees should take root here. How have I never noticed this before?

    nature image of lily pad in lagoon on 35mm film

    This week on our walk, and multiple times this winter, I couldn’t stop staring at all the dried branches peeking out of the snow. I used to think everything was just dead in the winter. Now I saw seeds tucked away, waiting for their chance, buds sleeping, nests uncovered by bare trees. How have I never noticed this before?

    I’ve been learning, right along side my kids, what it means to slow down and pay attention. Going for walks and noticing the small changes around me have helped me to realize how small I am, and this can be such a source of calm when the world around me feels so chaotic.

    I hope you find time this week to slow down and take some notice of what’s around you. There really is so much to see, if we just allow ourselves to.


    Like this post? You may also be interested in some of my film diaries images here or here.

    And hey, thinking about having that beautiful family of yours documented by me? I’d love to chat with you and share all the details! Get the conversation started here. Look forward to hearing from you.

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      I finally get to share what I’ve been working on these last couple months!

      Hey! How are you? What’s new in your life!

      Do you feel like you’re going to make it through the lat few weeks of winter here in Chicago? Or are you actually like, “Oh my goodness we are thriving, I love it.” Because if you are the latter, I wanna know your secret!

      Are there any recipes you’re making lately that you have to share? Let me know because I’m always looking for something new.

      We are somewhere in the middle of staying cozy with books and hot drinks, but have also found our groove with nature outings. My three year old saw his first deer this month, and I think it made his life! I am also prepping for spring (wishful thinking? sure…but it helps!). I purchased some new seeds online and after learning from some rookie mistakes planting starters last year, I am excited to try something new. I’m trying these peat pellets, in case you’re interested.

      I also bought strawberry and watermelon seeds this year, because why the heck not!


      Okay…so about that big announcement!


      I am SO SO SO pumped to share that I’ll be hosting a Motherhood Session event on May 1st. I have been working on the details of this event for months and am so excited to finally be sharing it with you!

      The truth it, motherhood is messy, often invisible, and barely glorious, and yet, it inspires me. And getting to document mothers is a privilege.

      So especially after the year we’ve all had, I truly am so excited to be able to do this–to photograph you in person–and to celebrate the moms for all they have been doing.


      Are you interested in getting all the booking details? Sign up for slots will be exclusively through my mailing list, so sign up here if you want to be in the know!

      And, hey, if you want photos of you and your family that capture you in a way that doesn’t just remind you what you look like, but what family feels like, send me an email. I’d love to chat with you!

      If you’re interested in staying in touch– being the first to get access to exclusive photo offers, or just want more pretty in your inbox, join my mailing list! It’s fun, promise :)

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        film diaries | Sept-Oct

        memories on film of the end of summer, visits to Great Grandparents, and other moments I don’t want to forget. Forever grateful for film and what it’s brought back to my creative process.

        Hey, like what you see here and wanna chat about possibly getting your family in front of my camera? Would love to talk to you! Send me an email here and let’s get the conversation started!



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